



Individual member fee applicable per annum from date of payment and include insurance cover and capitation (affiliation) fees by Judo Australia.
Club Fees are based on the calendar year from January 1 to December 31

Please note:  Under the By-Laws of JVI’s constitution, JVI membership fees are not refundable, in whole or in part.


*Note: Fees have no GST

Fee TypePrice
NEW Senior Individual Membership$121.00
NEW Junior Individual Membership$107.00
Family Membership (3)$270.00
Family membership (4)$330.00
Family Membership (5)$390.00
Family Membership (6)$450.00
RENEW Senior Individual Membership$121.00
RENEW Junior Individual Membership$107.00
KYU and JUNIOR grading*$ 20.00
DAN grading – JFA CertificateTBC
IJF Certificate (additional)not available
Club Membership / Renewal of Membership$335.00

*JVI recording of grading and issue of JFA certificate & postage only.  Clubs may charge an additional administration fee.

Effective 1 November 2023

All individual new membership applications, membership renewals and grading applications are done on-line via the website, judovictoria.com.au

Family Memberships

FAMILY Memberships, New and Renewal:

1. Transfer the new, or renewal, family membership fee into the JVI bank account.

Account Name Judo Victoria Inc
BSB: 013384
Account Number:  262754857
Reference: Your Family Name

2. Send an email to the JVI Registrar (registrar@judovictoria.com.au) when the transfer has been made with the receipt number and the following information for each family member.

Family Name
First given name
Second given name (if there is one)
Date of birth
Postal Address
Email address
Judo club
Primary Phone
Secondary Phone (if any)
Name and email address of their school for school age children

NOTE: These membership fees apply from 1st November 2023